Part 2

Modernization Process in Japan

[1] Overview

[2] Democracy Movement and Constitution of 1889

  1. Introduction of Land Title and Taxation Reform
  2. Burden of the Modernization
  3. Conflict inside of the Meiji government
  4. Constitution of the Kingdom of Prussia (1850)
  5. Constitution of the German Empire (1871)
  6. Portraits of Modern Japanese Historical Figures

[3] Codification Process of the Civil Code

  • Reference: Corpus Iuris Civilis
  1. Original Text in Latin:
  2. "Institutiones" in English:
  3. "Institutiones" in English: Translated by Samuel P. Scott
  4. "Digest" in English: Translated by Samuel P. Scott
  5. Codification Dispute in Germany:
    Anton Friedrich Justus Thibaut:
    Friedrich Carl von Savigny:
    Historical School of Law in Germany:

[4] Boissonade's Heritage

[5] Law on Real Rights

[6] Law on Obligations : "Non-Performance"

  1. Art. 415
  2. Art. 416
  3. About the Hardley vs. Baxendale Case (1854) ; webpage 1, webpage 2
  • Reference: Remedies for Non-performance
  1. French Civil Code (1804)
  2. German Civil Code (1900)
  3. Common law; webpage 1, webpage 2 ...
  4. Old Civil Code of Japan (1890)
  5. Revised Civil Code of Japan (1896)
  6. Reformed Law on Obligations in Germany (2002)
  7. Reformed Law on Obligations in France (2016)
  8. Draft Amendment to Revised Civil Code of Japan (2015)
  9. Reformed Law on Obligatioins in Japan (2017)
  • Reference: Comparison German, Thai, and Japanese law on "Remedies for Non-performance:"
  1. At the time of 1925 (Enactment of the current Civil and Commercial Code of Thailand)
  2. How Phraya-Man arranged the articles (Reconstruction)
  3. Related Articles from "Civil and Commercial Code of Thailand, 1923)
  4. Boissonade's Heritage in the Thai Civil and Commercial Code, Book I and II
  5. After the Reform of Law on Obligations in Germany (2002 - )

[7] Family in Pre-war Period

The Road to the Agrarian Reform after the WW II through the War


Published on  September 29th, 2023